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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Quarter Past Eight Singing at The SPOT

If X marks the Spot I didn't see a X at "THE SPOT" just Quarter Past Eight hit the spot with their collection of music covering many of the groups from the sixties and seventies. Well worth watching and listening to. I was glad to see a few others that enjoyed the music enough to put down their drinks and turn around from the bar and really enjoy right up to closing at of course a Quarter Past Eight....

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quarter Past Eight Cat's Craddle

Well there's cats in the craddle and asilver spoon little boy blue and the man in the moon...

When are you comming home...

Quarter Past Eight American pie

Long long time ago when I use to go to the corner store where I heard it years before in the Hotwire cafe.
Bye Bye there goes my wifi
drove my laptop to the lotte but the lotte was dry and ...

Quarter Past Eight

And alll I got was thos gituar and a empty bottle of booze break time

Quarter Past Eight Lodi again



we turned violet again

Maybe it' Purple haze???

Quarter Past Eight

All my song are writen
I'm ready to sing
All the Notes are
picked I'm ready to play
Already I/m so nervous I coould cry
so kiss me and smile for me

Scott Ritchie's You Tube Favorites

Click on this link to watch Quarter
Past Eight Videos.

Mostly shot at The SPOT


with a bit of luck welcome to Quarter past Eight Video's